enigeo is a great way to learn Countries and capitals around the world in a fun way. You can either play enigeo in quiz mode and try to answer questions about countries and captitals or you can just Explore the World and learn about different countries.
two modes: quiz mode and explorer mode
customizable quiz
you can choose Between different types of questions
possible limitation to continents
possible limitation by country area or population.
Version 1.2.0
- Added help dialog (displayed automatically when starting a game for the first time)
- Changed images for question types and added additional text
- Most menus can be closed with ESC
- Enabled page up/down in the country/capital list
- Draw correct/wrong now has an effect on the gray map
- Improved the display of the map at the end of a quiz
- Fixed a bug when first question doesn't involve the map
- Minor improvements
- Small changes to the country data.